
Dia de los Muertos: Memorial Ofrendas

During October, Rochester Rainbow Union will have craft supplies available during open library hours to make ofrendas; folks are also welcome to make their own at home and bring it in. In November, the ofrendas will be displayed in public LGBTQ+ spaces to honor and celebrate those we have lost.

We are currently finalizing our list of partners and are excited to announce them soon!

For more information, please check out the slideshow below:

We maintain a small selection of gently used clothes that are available for any community members in need.
At this time, we are accepting donations of washed and clean items. For socks and undergarments, we accept new or unworn items.
Come and visit during our open Library hours or reach out to us and make an appointment.

Community Clothing Closet

Book Pick of the Week

Coming in October 2024.